Game Dev Theory

Understanding Innovation: Your Visual Novel Idea Isn’t as Groundbreaking as you Think It Is. I’m So Sorry, Dude.

Then I actually see how they intend to go about this and it strikes me as a plan that doesn't take into account the full breadth and depth of the medium as it stands. That they're coming into the development process with a very narrow per-conceived notion of what a visual novel is and does and has. Sometimes, I see a Kickstarter description that makes me wonder if the developer has ever actually played a visual novel before deciding to make one.

Innovation in a medium is great. It infuses new blood and keeps things nice and spicy. But what does that actually look like in an effective way


Writing Romance for an Ace Character as an Ace Writer

It's Asexual Awareness Week. I'm asexual. It's not something that I roll into my daily routine, but it's absolutely a filter through which I view my life and, more importantly, my art and writing. The main character of my current visual novel project is asexual. It's a big part of the story. A story that… Continue reading Writing Romance for an Ace Character as an Ace Writer


On Starting

I've been going around to local conventions with a presentation about the development process of visual novels (a video of one you can see here). It's been great bringing this information to people who are genuinely excited about the narrative game development and want to learn more. At one of the conventions, they invited me… Continue reading On Starting

Project Management

Good Project/Bad Project: Finding Your Scope

Previously, we had a project management crash-course, going over the basics of how to be successful with your independent production. Now, though, let's go into some more detail into the parts of this plan for success. We'll start at the beginning: how do you determine your scope? Your project is like a house. And any… Continue reading Good Project/Bad Project: Finding Your Scope

Project Management

Project Management 101: Surviving Your First Production

So you have a kickin' idea, a real cracker of a project. Something you're going to need to hire people on for or gather collaborators. But maybe you're a little new to this whole….producer/director/creator thing. Where do you start? Let's look at a quick rundown of how you can get your project off to a… Continue reading Project Management 101: Surviving Your First Production